Our Story

“Better to ask for forgiveness than permission” 

Rebel by NishaB established 2015,

the epitome of brand transformation. 

Rise Energize Believe Embrace Live

Daring, independent, and authentic… You’re cooking up Bad A** 
We don’t care about social norms or who decides what’s hot & what’s not, we simply do us in whatever form or fashion fits the mood!
That’s the beauty of being a rebellious soul. We’ve tried being just a brand but it’s truly a LIFESTYLE. We don’t fit into a box. We’ve explored leisure wear, graphic tees, and lots of other boring sh!*

With our new outlook on fashion, brands, and ‘niches’ we’ve said F*ck It, we ARE Garments and Habits. A one stop shop for chic streetwear, unique styles, custom garments and bad habits [accessories] for ALL !